I 'm already 33 and thinking where has my time gone? I spent my life doing something my parents said was right. I followed the dreams they wanted to have but never had the guts to do it themselves. I could have been just a little more rebellious in my youthful years, but to please parents meant I was doing what God wanted me to do, honor they mother and father. Now with regrets of this journey to nowhere-4 kids later-I'm here with no career. Chasing what my parents said-"Nursing is where the money is"! In debt with student loans that were finally paid off last year, Praise God! I now start my journey and dream of Photojournalism. I've always loved when my grandmother told me stories of way back when! Oh how I would close my eyes and vision what life was like then, but no pictures to go with it. The only pictures viewed was of those in my head; stuck there. I want those images out where everyone can see. Black is beauty and the stories, now that's our cul...